God is in control

It was getting down to crunch time. I was on the USA national volleyball team, and we were only one month
away from our Olympic qualifying tournament. I realized my priorities were a bit mixed up when I received a call from my doctor just minutes before I was to leave for practice. She told me that a mole removed from my chest had come back positive for malignant melanoma. My first reaction was, “Can we take care of this in about a month?” She replied, “This could be life-threatening.” I was shocked by her words. After she explained the seriousness of melanoma, I understood that this was something I needed to take care of immediately. I realized I was letting volleyball consume my life.
The next week was filled with uncertainties. I had surgery to remove the cancer and some lymph nodes. The severity of the melanoma would not be determined until the biopsy reports came back. During this long week of uncertainty, I found tremendous peace in knowing that God was in control. Philippians 4:6-7 gave me God’s amazing comfort. It says, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace . . . . His peace will guard your hearts and minds.”
Through God’s grace, I received His peace, I knew He was in control, and He carried me through. My surgery was a success! The cancer was contained. Three weeks later and all stitched up, I was able to help my team qualify for the 2000 Olympics. I learned to rely more on God through this trying experience and to always put Him first.
—Val Kemper, former member US National Volleyball Team
—Val Kemper, former member US National Volleyball Team
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• What are you facing that has you frightened or uncertain?
• Have you begun to give it to God in prayer?
• What are you facing that has you frightened or uncertain?
• Have you begun to give it to God in prayer?
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